GIF Sticker for Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp - Offer

Surprise your Social Media community with personalized GIF Stickers for Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp! Together with you, we create real GIF Stickers with your brand ambassador and art design GIFs corresponding to your look and feel.

GIF Sticker Package – illustration

2 GIF Stickers: 2 art work GIF Stickers,

including GIF Sticker creation, GIPHY Brand Account set up, publishing for Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp.

Price: CHF 600.00 excl. VAT.

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GIF Sticker Package – illustration and real animation

3 GIF Stickers: 1x art work, 2x real animation

includingshooting, GIF Sticker creation, GIPHY Brand Account set up, publishing for Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp

Price: CHF 940.00 excl. VAT

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Facts & Figures of GIF Campaign for Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp










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Get in contact with us and boost your Social Media channels with your personalized GIF Stickers.

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